OpenMP Tutorials at SC23

Similar to previous years, I am involved in two OpenMP-related tutorials at SC23 in Denver. This year, we produced two short videos outlining the content of these tutorials.

Our Advanced OpenMP (see the SC23 program page) tutorial with the subtitle Performance and 5.2 Features focuses on explaining how to achieve performance on modern HPC architectures and presenting the latest features of OpenMP 5.x. This half-day tutorial will be given on Monday afternoon and has the following content:

SC23 Tutorial Overview: Advanced OpenMP

The focus of our Mastering Tasking (see the SC program page) tutorial is to teach and cover all aspects of task parallelism in OpenMP with many code examples. This half-day tutorial will be given on Monday morning and has the following content:

SC23 Tutorial Overview: Mastering Tasking

Given our backgrounds in OpenMP development, in the past instances of this tutorial, we used the breaks and discussion time to answer all the questions people ever had on OpenMP. Really, you are invited to ask us anything :-).