Excellent price-performance of SC20 tutorials

You are probably aware that SC20 will be a virtual (= online) event. It will start in about two weeks with the Tutorials (November 9 to 11), followed by the Workshops (November 11 to 13), the Keynotes and Awards and Top500 (and more, November 16) and finally the Technical Program and Invited Talks (and more, November 17 to 19).

However, the switch to an online format brings a great advantage for the SC20 tutorial format that I only became aware of very recently: Tutorials will be recorded and available online on-demand for 6 months. This will give you the unique chance to attend all tutorials you are possibly interested in!

If you are interested in OpenMP, there are three tutorials to choose from. The OpenMP web presence has a nice overview. As usual, I am part of the Advanced OpenMP: Host Performance and 5.0 Features tutorial. Our focus is on performance aspects, e.g., data/thread locality, false sharing, and exploitation of vector units. All topics are accompanied by case studies and we will discuss the corresponding OpenMP language features in-depth. Please note that we will solely cover performance programming for multi-core architectures (not accelerators):

Title Slide: Advanced OpenMP tutorial at SC20
Our title slide: Advanced OpenMP tutorial at SC20

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